Second Opinion

A second opinion is a great way to get an idea of how different surgeons plan to offer you care. It helps patients work out which surgeon they feel comfortable with. It helps you decide which treatment suits you the most.

However please remember that there are often a number of ways to achieve a good outcome for patients.

Some treatment is not controversial, such as needing antibiotics for infection. All doctors would agree on that.

However complex surgery can cause confusion for patients. Or when patients are given different ideas by different surgeons.

Although the vast majority of surgeons are professional and have the patients care at heart, not all surgeons always agree.

Independent Opinion

Mr Uppal can offer a truly independent opinion for your care. He has a reputation for being sympathetic to patients and offering support where there is confusion. He prides himself on not criticising other surgeons to gain a business advantage. He will however speak plainly if needed.

If you need a truly independent second opinion for your plastic surgery please get in touch here or call us.

Team of Surgeons

Mr Uppal works as part of a team of surgeons. In this way we make sure you get the best care at all times. If requested, he can discuss your case with the Multi-disciplinary team so you get the benefit of the combined knowledge and experience of 2 or 3 surgeons.

To book an appointment, call our offices at 01753859908 or on mobile: 07710581714.

Working Time
  • Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
    Friday 07:00 – 22:00
    Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
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